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Synthetic Biology Goes Cell-Free

Written by Burhan Sabuwala

Life has evolved on earth for about 3.5 billion years and has survived all odds ranging from volcano eruption to asteroid impact events.

DNA Sequencing at 40: Past, Present and Future

Written by Sahana Gangadharan

Today, DNA Sequencing has become one of the most commonly used techniques in the field of molecular biology.

Diagnostic Trends Using Synthetic Biology

Written by Sankalpa Venkatraghavan

Imagine a world in which we can build organisms to do our bidding. Maybe some of them are innately able to perform these tasks – like detecting iron.

Molecular Digital Data Storage Using DNA

Written by Prashant Govindarajan

Today, there are a variety of devices which we can use to store digital data, like text, photos and videos.

Hacking Our Own Immune Cells to Fight Disease

Written by Sagarika Nath

Our immune systems are what silently protect our complex bodies from the daily onslaught of millions of pathogens, injuries, both internal and external.

Unravelling Retroactivity: An Enigma

Written by Roshni Shetty

Today, synthetic biology has grown leaps and bounds and transformed with applications and approaches inspired by electronics and software design.

Cheating Evolution: Engineering Gene Drives to Manipulate the Fate of Wild Populations

Written by Sathvik Anantakrishnan

Synthetic biology is a field of biology whose aim is conventionally understood to be the engineering of biological systems to serve useful purposes.

The new frontier with genome engineering with CRISPR-Cas9

Written by Sai Guha C.

Doudna and Charpentier were the principal investigators in the labs that published their paper detailing CRISPR’s adaptability to gene editing in Science way back in 2012.